If you are seeking an affordable education in the United States, understanding the individual factors that influence each expense will help you select a high-quality program with the kind of living situation and opportunities you are most interested in.
Here are the main expenses you will have while attending an American college or university:
1) Tuition and Fees
2) Housing/ Meals
3) Books
4) Medical Insurance
5) Personal Spending
Tuition and fees are the largest expense of attending school in the USA, but they vary significantly from school to school. Private school tuition and fees are generally much higher than public schools, but many offer academically-qualified international students with more financial aid opportunities. Tuition and fees may also differ slightly depending on which state or region of the USA your school is located in. For example, public university tuition fees in Midwestern and Southern states are often far lower than the same types of public universities in the Western and Eastern states.
The second highest expense while studying in the USA will be your housing and meal expenses. Living on campus is the most convenient option, especially for first-year students, but is not usually the cheapest option. Most college and university campuses have plentiful apartment housing near the school that can be rented by several students together. This arrangement helps reduce the cost of monthly rent and utilities that each student pays. Before deciding on whether to live on campus or off, learn the pros and cons of each choice to decide which is the best choice for you.
Book expenses can be significantly reduced by buying used books, instead of new ones or buying them online through sites like Amazon, eCampus.com, etc.
Medical insurance costs may be reduced if purchased overseas. Before buying any outside insurance plan, be sure that the coverage you purchase meets or exceeds your school's minimum requirements and that there are nearby doctors and hospitals that will acccept your insurance plan.
The last major expense factor is your personal spending. This expense varies greatly with each student, but is also influenced by the location of the school. Schools that are located in smaller cities generally have lower costs of living and fewer places where you may be tempted to spend money unnecessarily. Depending on the type of living accommodations, your social lifestyle, and the kind of transportation you use, your personal spending may be anywhere between $200 and $2000 each month.
If you are seeking a good college or university program in the USA, and would like expert help in selecting the best school and education plan within your budget, American Education Partners (http://www.americanedpartners.com/) is available to provide you with free pre-application advising and school recommendations. Contact AEP's placement advisors by email at: info@americanedpartners.com
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